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Interview with Oksana and Sven about the situation of the Ukrainian refugees in Sweden >>
Starts in Swedish, but soon turns into English
The boy escaped Mariupol with his mother by foot. He wore a rather thin jacket. He applied for support for a new winter jacket and wintershoes in November 22, half a year after he arrived. The jacket was to thin for the winter. He arrived here in sneakers. He was refused extra grant.
At that time he received SEK19/day. (Food and rent was provided for in addition)
On 1 November 2022, you applied for a special grant for a winter jacket and winter shoes.
The reasons for the decisionThe Swedish Migration Agency may grant special grants for urgent needs that are necessary for a tolerable way of life
This is how the Swedish Migration Agency assesses the need for a special grant
The Swedish Migration Agency assesses that winter weather will soon prevail in the Stockholm area, and the Swedish Migration Agency does not question your need for a winter jacket and winter shoes. The Swedish Migration Agency notes, however, that you came to Sweden from Ukraine in March 2022. In both Ukraine and Sweden, winter conditions prevail at that time of the year. It is therefore reasonable to assume that you traveled with both a winter jacket and winter shoes.
As adults can use the same winter clothing for more than one season and as you have not shown how your needs have changed, it is reasonable to assume that you still have clothing suitable for winter conditions.
Furthermore, the Swedish Migration Agency notes that you are wearing a winter jacket in the photograph taken at the Swedish Migration Agency in March 2022. Against this background, the Swedish Migration Agency assumes that you have a winter jacket and shoes adapted to Swedish weather conditions. The Swedish Migration Agency therefore rejects your application for a special grant for a winter jacket and winter shoes.
Provisions on which the decision is based 18§ law (1994:137), 7§ regulation (1994:361)
Our remark; Please note that the application was turned down for both a jacket and shoes. The truth is that the boy came here in sneakers.The jacket is not adopted for Swedish winter conditions (see picture). He escaped the bombing of Mariupol by foot.
Läs historier från ukrainska flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning på Funkibators blogg >>
Now I am actively looking for a job and attending language courses. I do not have the opportunity to study at SFI, so now I am studying for ABF courses. I receive 1,800 kroner from the migration service, which is not enough even for the simplest food.
What I consider expedient is an increase in the financial allowance, the opportunity to study at SFI, obtaining a first number and a Bank ID. Better integration is needed.
Many acquaintances left Sweden due to lack of financial assistance. I am also considering the option of leaving Sweden due to the impossibility of integration, there are no places for SFI, very small payments - it is impossible to live on this money.
My family (five people) arrived in Sweden on March 30, 2022. At first we lived in a house that was kindly offered by a Swedish family (Säbyholm). Then we received an apartment in a nursing home from the migration service.
We live in an apartment in a home for the elderly people - a Senior home. The daughter works as a cleaner, the granddaughters attend school and gymnasium, where they study Swedish. They also continue their studies at a Ukrainian school.
I receiveassistance in the amount of 61 kronor (EUR 5,40) per day from the Migration Agency. This is a very small amount. It is extremely difficult to live on such funds. I am a cancer patient and need a special diet.
I can't buy clothes or shoes. We use second-hand stores and free-shops. It's good that there are humanitarian centers that help Ukrainians with food and clothes. Special thanks to Röda Korset Hagsätra. We are grateful for benefits in the medical field, there are big discounts on medicine.
Jag har uppehållstillstånd enligt massflyktsdirektivet. Jag har jobbat i Sverige officiellt i över ett år nu och har ett anställningskontrakt för de kommande månaderna. Jag jobbar enligt mitt yrke och pratar svenska på ganska hög nivå och jag har en ganska bra lön.
Jag jobbar som tjänsteman på en svensk kommmun. Under hela denna tid försörjer jag mig själv och betalar hyra för bostad, betalar skatt.
Nu är jag gravid och förstår att jag inte har rätt till något stöd från staten. Utan personnummer har jag ingen rätt till mammaledighet eller föräldrapenning. Jag ger bara upp... Jag blir arbetslös och har ingen rätt till någonting.
Min arbetsgivare sa att jag under den tid jag har arbetat har visat mycket goda resultat som en mycket kvalificerad medarbetare. Som anställd finns det därför inga klagomål mot mig på grund av min bristande kunskap eller dåligt utfört arbete från arbetsgivarens sida. Gravid 8 månader blir jag arbetslös och helt utan statligt stöd.
Allt detta gör mig väldigt upprörd. Varje dag ställs jag inför att människor frågor mig om mitt personnummer eller bank-id. Det finns många begränsningar för ukrainare. I sådana ögonblick känner jag mig som ingen i det här landet. Jag försöker bara vara användbar för samhället och bidra till utvecklingen av Sverige. Men på grund av situationer som denna känner jag starkt för diskriminering.
Jag förstår bara inte varför jag är värre än flyktingar från andra länder som har ett personnummer, rätten att studera ett språk i flera år och få förmåner... Jag vill jobba och jag gör allt för detta, jag lär mig språket på egen hand. Att ukrainare inte har rätt till många saker är väldigt demotiverande. Hur kan man planera för framtiden? Vad kan man leva på och hur kan man försörja sig själv och sitt barn?
Kateryna Chorna.
Tymur sjunger och uppträder i många sammanhang i Sverige. Han flydde som 12 åring från Ukraina efter veckor i källaren och med det de fick med i en plastpåse.
Här sprider han glädje och väcker många känslor med sin sång.
I've been living in Sweden for the second year, it's very difficult, I've been listed six times. For the first three months, they didn't give us money, but we were fed. Then they gave me 61 crowns a day, the eldest son 50 crowns a day, the youngest daughter 25 crowns a day.
Children need dental services, each of them needs to have plates/braces installed, but without a personal number, this is impossible.
Confirmation of a diploma nurse is also impossible without a personal number. It is also impossible to pass on rights and there is still much that cannot be done. Namely, that it is not difficult to feed a child for 25 crowns. And you still need to buy clothes, hygiene products, transport services and so on.
Доброго дня ,я вже другий рік живу в Швеції дуже важко,шість раз перечислили. Перші три місяці нам грошей не давали,але кормити. Потім дали мені 61 крону в день старшому сину 50 крон в день,молодшій доньці 25 крон в день. Діти потребують стоматологічні послуги, кожному з них потрібно ставити пластини, але без персонального номеру, це неможливо. Підтвердження дипломна медсестри,без персонального номеру теж неможливо. Здати на права теж неможливо і ще багато чого не можна зробити. А саме,що не є важко це прокормити дитину на 25 крон. А треба, ще купити одежу, гігієнічні засоби,транспортні послуги і так далі.
Like most women, I came to Sweden in March 2022 with my sons (now 16 and 14) and my mother. We live in a small town. I study at SFI, children at Swedish school and gymnasium.
My mother 75 years old, worked in Greece (a country in the European Union) for more than 15 years. She has all the documents confirming this, while she paid insurance contributions to a pension fund in a European country.
My sons are 16 and 14 years old. one is 185 cm tall, the other is 180. One's foot size is 46, the other is 44. The allowance for one day per child is SEK 50 for two SEK 100. Per month for one child SEK 1550. This must pay for all their costs. This money is not even enough for children to eat, they cannot eat properly!!!
Being here in Sweden and not having a personal number, my mother cannot apply for a pension.
She has problems with her teeth, she can't go to Ukraine to treat them, and she can't do anything here, because again she doesn't have a personal number.
For many reasons evoked by the ruthless war, the Ukrainian refugees often find themselves traumatised and in deep depression: no roots, no soil, no visible future, but the needy children. It takes a village to raise a child, as a popular saying goes; that’s only one of the challenges Ukrainian mothers in Sweden confront – for you know, the vast majority of Ukrainians here are mothers with young children. We struggle to keep our children safe, without threats and stress of shelling and air-alarms 24/7.
And every day many of us need to manage split families, stress and anxiety for our relatives back at home, restricted social connections, borrowed dwellings, and lack of resources to provide for the child. With the minimal financial aid one can hardly make the ends meet, the help and hospitality, and assistance from the Swedes are deeply appreciated.
The freedom to travel facilitated by the company SL is a lifeline. It means not only the access to food, medical care, social institutions, even demonstrations and protests against the war… It is so much more!
It is a chance to try and experience life as close to normal as possible.
I am lucky to have been living in Solna since September 2022. My Mom (71), my son (5) and I share a modest 19m2 apartment, so we use every opportunity to go out and explore the city. Free SL transport connects the Ukrainians with the Red Cross, the Matmission, the SFI, the Swedish lifestyle and the Swedish culture as we have many chances in the city to visit museums, churches, the Public Library, Scansen.
My Mom has to see the doctor almost every other week and take many additional tests throughout big Stockholm. Free SL transport saves us many worries, with multiple changes along the route, it is a logistical burden that many of us would not be able to afford.
So the freedom to travel is as much a basic necessity as shelter , access to food, medical care and education. It takes so much mental energy to embrace the uncertainty and daily struggle for food, for a job, to overcome communication barriers, to make plans in the evening and unmake them in the morning… So free transport feels like a privilege, it enables us to carry out the tasks of daily life and sometimes lets us find some peace of mind looking out of the bus or boat window in a self-inflicted illusion of being sort of a tourist.
To those who make it possible, we extend our heart-felt gratitude; you truly stand with Ukraine and we deeply appreciate your contribution. To me, free SL transport embodies three vital concepts: basic safety, unwavering support, and the preservation of dignity.
Jag heter N, jag kommer från Ukraina och jag vill berätta om mina problem på grund av jag har inte personnummer
1. När jag började jobba jag hade problem eftersom kommun förstod inte hur fixa till mig lön utan personnummer och jag väntade 2.5 månad på min lön
2. Jag har inte rätt att få hjälp från försäkringskassan
3. Jag har inte rätt att få VAB
4. Jag har ingen SWISH
5. Jag kunde inte registrera mig i hallon. Till nu min nummer är registrerad till andra person
6. Jag kan inte vara medlem överallt där jag vill. Jag har inte rätt att få rabatt och jag måste spara pengar
7. Jag hade problem att blanda medlem i A-kassa
8. Jag har inte Bank-id och jag måste be någon att betala istället mig
9. Jag kan inte använda programm hos kommun som medvind att visa när jag kan jobba, jag kan inte kolla hur studerar min dotter i E-skolan
10. Jag har ofta problem när jag vill få mitt paket hos olika liverans foretag
11. Jag känner stor diskriminering mot mig när jag säger mitt samordningsnummer och dem svarar nej du kan inte har födelsedag 85-te
".. daily payment 71 kr per day for adult and around 40 kr for child -are not enough for living ..i have to find churches, volunteers, red cross and ask for help with food and winter close for children "
Alexandr father of 3 children 12.10 5 years old)
"..the level of social assistance is so low that it seems that Sweden does not want other Ukrainians to choose Sweden as a country of refuge.."
"We (Ukrainians) are very interested in finding work in Sweden, and many of us have already found jobs after working for more than 1.5 years.
We pay high taxes to the state, but we don't understand why we don't have the opportunity to become part of your economic system and get a personal number and bank ID"
"We deeply appreciate your help with military equipment, medical and financial support to our country and almost 2 years we have been living in Sweden, we believe and hope that you can find a solution how we can integrate into your economic and social life."
*Anonymus - We have the names and guarantee the authenticity
Ukrainian refugees in Sweden and other people involved in the Russian full scale invasion tell their story. A pod by Vivianne Threschow / Beredskapslyftet
"We (Ukrainians) are very interested in finding work in Sweden, and many of us have already found jobs after working for more than 1.5 years. We pay high taxes to the state, but we don't understand why we don't have the opportunity to become part of your economic system (to get a personal number and bank ID):
Because we don't have a personal number and a bank ID:
- we can't make an appointment with a doctor by phone (the system can't identify us), we have to go to the hospital, stand in line (several hours), and then just ask for an appointment time at the reception desk.
- We have to pay more than for a monthly membership to a swimming pool (220 kr for people with a bank identification card and 375 kr for those who do not have one); for a telephone contract (example: the mobile operator Comviq offers its customers to pay 89 kr (instead of 345 kr) per month if we have a personal number and are registered on its website).
- We cannot get a discount card in stores, pharmacies because we do not have a personal number.
- we cannot get social support (help for our children, for disabled people, for large families, scholarships for students).
- register and open our own business AB, get a bank account for the company
We deeply appreciate your help with military equipment, medical and financial support to our country and almost 2 years we have been living in Sweden, we believe and hope that you can find a solution how we can integrate into your economic and social life".
I wanted to share my personal story and assist Ukrainians in obtaining a personal number. I wish to remain anonymous. In Sweden, I was diagnosed with PTSD and faced challenges with long-term treatment as the directive provides only the most essential medical assistance. So, I had to wait for a really, really long time on a list. I applied to two different hospitals in the city and have recently received a referral.
To seek assistance, one can approach vårdcentralen, provided they agree and have a psychologist available. I have been in line to see a psychologist since my arrival in Sweden, where I have been living for 1.5 years.
My acquaintances also came from war zones, and in terms of psychological help, they were only able to receive counselling from social workers; meanwhile, people with PTSD are recommended to seek assistance from primärvården.
During a consultation with a psychiatrist, I was advised to get tested for ADHD. However, without a personal number, it's not possible to do that either.
Migration allowance is equal to 61 crowns per day. With this money it is not possible to buy clothes or shoes, not to mention leisure activities.
The uncertainty and unfair migration policy of Sweden forced acquaintances and friends to leave the country. I will also think about moving to another country. Our life in Sweden is hopeless.
I work in cleaning. Since I am here alone with my children, it is difficult for me financially, but more than 75% of the time I cannot work because my children need me. This is my second job. Changed due to moving. I have been working in this position for 10 months. I am not getting any benefits after I go back to work in September 2022.
My husband stayed in Ukraine, he does not have a job. I work here and support him. I also support my friends who are sending humanitarian aid to volunteers from Sweden. At my level of knowledge of the Swedish language, I am quite satisfied that I can work at all. My salary is enough for food and household needs. They treat me very well.
I have many friends here who support me, both Ukrainians and Swedes, as well as the Rädda Barnen organization, volunteers, special thanks to Mankan. I try to participate in activities that suit me in terms of time. Especially if these are children's activities. Rädda Barnen, SIU
I would like to thank you for such a strong support for us Ukrainians, for housing, etc. But some situations require changes, for example, lack of bank ID, low salary. I know a family that left Sweden, because it was very large and with small children; dad worked 3 jobs and had only enough for rent.
I really fell in love with Sweden and the people of Sweden and thank you for everything they gave my family and all of us! I have been through a lot during this period and I do not want to change the country. The only move will be to return home after the end of the war.
I am looking for a job, studying at SFI. I only have access to Swedish at grundnivå. It is not certain whether I will be able to continue studying Swedish at gymnasie level, which is required by my profession.
My husband faced the problem that in order to find a job as a CNN operator, which is as close as possible to his professional capabilities, he needs a short training course, but Arbetsförmedlingen cannot pay for it because there is no personal number. Also, other professional training opportunities are a closed option.
I think most of the problems could be solved by giving Ukrainians a personal number. This is, first of all, the lack of the possibility of professional training in order to adapt the education received in Ukraine to Swedish realities. Therefore, it becomes much more difficult to find a job, which makes Ukrainians a forced burden on the financial system of the Swedish state.
There are also a number of small, but absolutely vital difficulties, such as the impossibility of simply notifying the school that a child is sick through the common electronic system, since without a personal number it is impossible to access such a system, the lack of access to Swish and the complexity and cost of paying bills, for example, for the Internet, lack of access to the results of medical tests, etc.
There are also not enough hours of learning Swedish som andra språk for children studying in regular classes in a Swedish school (in the absence of adaptive ones), which makes it difficult for them to adapt. Presumably, this could be solved by increasing earmarked funding.
My parents live in the village and constantly see rockets flying over them into the city. Now it is not as strong as before, but it happens that it flies into the city. It is very difficult for them to live now because the prices have risen a lot. I have been living in Sweden since the beginning of the war, regularly helping my relatives financially.
Now I do not receive payments from the Migration Agency, but I received 61 crowns per day. If you save well enough, you can live on these funds. It is necessary to prepare, for example, one dish for 3 days and eat these three days and not buy anything else. At the moment, maybe the financial situation is better than it was, because I work a little.
I have been working as a vikariat for six months, I am studying Swedish. At Komvux, I have the opportunity to study only Swedish, but at the university, for example, Ukrainians can study. But without help from CNS, because Ukrainians are not registered residents of Sweden.
The personal number is the main problem.
I live in Sweden with two minor children. I work, my salary is 26,000, minus tax, minus housing rent, there is almost not enough for clothes for children who grow up quickly, and when it comes to dental treatment, it is generally bad.
Here the Municipality doesn't even know about my existence.
It would be good if I get a subsidy, it will also be better for my family. Give a personal number, it eases everyday problems and hope for the future to stay here.
In April 2022, I got a job, where I still work. We pay for the apartment ourselves, there are three of us, and we have the opportunity to help relatives in Ukraine. I can't imagine how people with 61 crowns a day can survive.
Due to work, I am not able to study the language at SFI. I cannot lose the salary, although I understand that with the knowledge of the language there would be more opportunities for better employment and integration. At the moment, I am trying to learn the language at the Folkuniversitetet. The son is studying at the gymnasium at the Språkintroduktion programme, then he plans to continue his studies at the gymnasium in his specialty.
Also, due to the lack of a personal number, there are many difficulties with registration and access to many things. For example, insurance companies, etc. I would, of course, thank you for the shelter and assistance that the state provides us, and also ask to try to calculate the "consumer basket" for the amount that is currently allocated as assistance. And I would also ask to influence the fact that we are allowed to have a personal number, as this would greatly help in integration.
It would also be very good to provide at least some financial assistance for those who want to learn the language. When the choice is between work and study (which is an important step in integration), of course I choose work because I have to feed and buy clothes to the child.
It was the lack of financial assistance and the difficulty of finding a job that forced my acquaintances and friends to leave Sweden.
Indeed, Ukrainian refugees have great problems during their stay under international protection in Sweden.
First of all, these are low payments from the migration service with the constant increase in prices for both food and other essential goods.
The second major challenge is the lack of a personal number and, as a result, the impossibility for Ukrainian refugees in Sweden to use many services, as well as opportunities related to finding and obtaining work and education.
The third challenge for Ukrainian refugees is that they do not know and do not understand the scope of their rights and responsibilities in Sweden, since no one, at least at the state or commune level, has explained their rights to them.
The fourth challenge is finding and getting a job, of course language skills are at the fore. But there are many nuances, if in big cities it is often enough to know only English, then in small cities - it is necessary to learn Swedish, which is quite difficult to learn in a short period of time.
Moreover, even if they have a minimal level of Swedish for communication, Ukrainian refugees also have great obstacles in finding employment, since in Sweden, in the vast majority of cases, they are hired on the basis of recommendations from previous places of work.
And where to get them? One of the problems is obtaining financial assistance from the migration service for the purchase of winter clothes and shoes. Those who received such assistance in the past (1,100 kronor) were refused this year, motivating it by the fact that a person could (hypothetically) save money for a long time living in Sweden. Forgetting at the same time that Ukrainians do not have enough money even to buy food.
Woman, 26 years - in Northern Sweden
I am from Bakhmut, and have lived in Kharkiv for the last 5 years because I studied there. Now my father is in occupied territory, my mother is with me in Sweden, and other relatives have different life situations.
I am working. I have been working for 8 months. This is my second job. At the same time, I am studying at SFI, Course D.
All family members work and get no extra help_ but I think Ukrainian refugees need 3000 kroner for food + other needs.
No social security number is an uncertain future. I and all my family members work and try to integrate the here and now to improve our lives. To live, not to exist. We have nothing left in Ukraine and I cannot understand what the future awaits me here. There are no clear rules and steps for what to do here for people like us. I feel constantly panicked and lost because of this.
I also think that there is a big problem for Ukrainians in northern Sweden. Often the migration agency sends Ukrainians here to live, there are small towns, little work, no courses, language cafes, high prices in shops and second hand shops and no charities where people can turn. I myself was lucky enough to find a job in my profession and feel normal, but I use the introduction program from the employment agency and do everything to get good experience here, learn the language and be liked by the employer in the future.
Here in northern Sweden, there are impossible conditions for families to exist, especially with children and the disabled
Woman, 42 years old
I live in a small room in a dormitory from the migration room with a shared kitchen, shower and bathroom together with two children: 12 and 15 years old. I am looking for a job, I have changed two places, I am studying at SFI
Now I only receive help from the Migration Agency: 71 kroner for me and 50 kroner a day for the children. There is enough to eat, thanks to Matmision, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, but it is very difficult to get clothes. If it weren't for volunteer organizations, in which you have to drive at least 1.5 hours one way and stand in line for 1-1.5 hours, it would be impossible to survive
There is a Matmision in which, if you are lucky, you can buy the products you need; there was a church, but last year the commune closed the financing of assistance to Ukrainians, so they will only provide psychological support, which is also a big deal, thank you. There are coaches from the commune, who are supposed to help with integration, but in fact, information is provided late, and at most, they will help you make an appointment with a doctor
Most often, difficulties arise due to the lack of a personal number and ID-bank. For example, I need to register my son in another school now, because he is entering the 7th grade. On the commune's website, this is done at home through ID-Bank identification. And without it, I still don't understand how to do it. All vital processes: making an appointment with a doctor, purchasing something online, accessing the school's online resource, any professional courses and much more, are not available to us due to the lack of a personal number and as a result, ID-bank
Give the Ukrainians the personal number!!! We can do everything else for ourselves. And increase the daily wage, because it is very difficult for people who are unable to work, or, for example, a mother with children, to live on what she has now. So that you don't have to run around churches with an "outstretched hand"
I want to say "Thank you" to Sweden and many Swedes, but to remind the leaders of communes and politicians that the majority of Ukrainians are here not because they planned to change Ukraine to Sweden. I had a wonderful life in my country, a wonderful job with a normal income, the children studied and engaged in various hobbies, we went abroad twice a year to rest as a family. I am not here because I wanted to, but because I am saving children from war!
I know many who left Sweden. Someone returned to Ukraine, someone changed the country of refuge, because in Sweden the conditions of survival for forced refugees are difficult.
Woman, 43 years old
I came to Sweden from Slavyansk with my child and old mother. I work and pay for housing from the Migration Service - shared accommodation with a shared toilet, shower, and kitchen.
I believe that in order to survive in Sweden, a refugee must receive at least 150 kroner. Also, the lack of a primary number is a big drawback.
I know many who left Sweden. Some did not wait for the documents, others did not like the attitude towards them.
Sometimes we also think about it, there are many reasons to move to another country
Anonymous, 45 years old
I work remotely for a Ukrainian company, the same job as before the war. I study remotely at SFI.
I receive a Ukrainian salary, which is equivalent to 17,000 SEK. But I pay taxes in Ukraine and I am worried about this. If I pay taxes in Sweden, I will not be able to have enough funds to live a normal life.
I work for 10-12 hours every day, so I don't have the opportunity to learn Swedish well
In general, I want to learn the language and get a decent job. I don't want to work as a cleaner or waiter
Now I hold the position of CFO in a Ukrainian company
If the amount of the aid were larger, then I could be freed and devote time to learning the language and looking for a job
Getting a personal number would make staying in Sweden much easier and the feeling that we are second-class people would disappear
Man, 29 years old
I came to Sweden before the war. When the war started, I started looking for asylum, my passport was taken away, they don't know anything about our situation in the migration office.
The main difficulties are living in Sweden for 2 years without enlightenment in the future. Ukrainians should be given the opportunity to apply for work and study visas without the need to travel outside Sweden to wait for them to decide something. Provide a personal number, or that the coordination number has the same status as the first one, so that you can live in the 21st century, and not in the Middle Ages as a slave.
I have already written to SVT1, VK Media, Sveriges Radio about the situation and sought shelter, but I have not received an answer from them.
If they are not needed in Sweden, I will go to another country where my knowledge as a scientist will be used
Woman, 24 years old
I live in Sweden with a 6-year-old child, I receive 3000 kroner a month. I am looking for a job, but I come across many unscrupulous employers.
We don't have enough money for new clothes, we don't have a place to live. The child is already an adult, and there are three of us in the room, so there is no privacy.
It would be good if there was an opportunity to get the personal number, because in Ukraine there is neither housing nor relatives. I would like to stay in Sweden. And since the conditions have changed, it is very difficult to find employers who would pay in good faith. Therefore, the salary is low. Also, when you understand that there is no way to earn so much and stay, then you are in a state of instability
Woman, 41 years old
I live in Sweden with children - a son and a daughter. My daughter is already working, she is 21 years old. I live in a room in a nursing home, I pay for myself and my son, in the amount of 3150 kroner per month
I have been working since November 2022 at the Vardaga nursing home. First I studied at ABF courses from September 2022 to May 2023. Then from May I started studying at SFI courses 5 days a week. I graduated from SFI sometime in October 2023, due to the fact that my employer gave me the opportunity to study for vårdbiträde and combine work and training.
It would be very good to get a personal number, if only so that it would be possible to help my old parents in Ukraine and make payments online.
Currently, medicine in Sweden does not always provide full assistance. For example, it is impossible to cure teeth. For 50 kroner, the dentist offers to remove a tooth or put a temporary filling, which will fall out after a couple of weeks. I myself faced the problem of dental treatment, for one tooth I gave more than half of my salary (about 8,000 kroner).
Woman, 44 years old
I come from Lisichansk, Donbass, my home is no longer in Ukraine.
My 16-year-old son is with me in Sweden. I am studying at a university and two more courses, I am actively looking for a job (I used to work as a cleaner).
I receive money from the Migration Service. It is very little, enough only for food. Communication, lack of money are the biggest difficulties I face. It is very difficult morally. I don't want anything anymore, my hands are down
Woman, 36 years old
I live in Sweden with a small child. At the moment I am on maternity leave, I plan to go to SFI when the child goes to kindergarten.
I get payments of about 3300 for two with a child per month, it's hard to survive on this money. In addition, I am sending money for my mother's treatment in Ukraine.
Volunteers help. Care for Ukraine (every week), Röda korset (once a month), once this year received help from the Salvation Army and once in the Gallery (Uppsala), Svenska med baby_Ukraina.
The biggest difficulties for me are language, lack of personnummer.
I would sincerely thank you for everything that Sweden has done for me and the child. And she would express her desire to study, work and live for the benefit of Sweden. But I want confidence for tomorrow!
Woman, 56 years old
I, an 83-year-old mother, in a wheelchair, a small chihuahua dog, live in mobile homes (like trailers for builders) 19 square meters. for two
I study at the SFI, I do not work, I am disabled with a locomotor system. My financial situation is worse than anywhere else. I receive social payments, but I also have a dog, although it is small, it also wants to eat.
If I could meet a Swedish politician, I would ask if he/she could live on 1,800 kroner a month. I won't even list where the money from two disabled people goes.
Increasing payments and improving living conditions is what I consider necessary.
Many acquaintances left Sweden, they did not meet these conditions. I would also leave, but mother, dog. It is very difficult to survive when you were successful at home and did not need anything
Woman, 41 years old
I came to Sweden this year with two children. During this time, my family faced such problems as the impossibility of children attending sports sections, registration only with a personnumer is required. The coordination number cannot be applied in any sphere of everyday life. It's basically just for paying taxes and that's it.
It is also difficult to rent housing for Ukrainians. Need organizational support for job search
I would like to see a more definite position from the Swedish Government regarding their future plans for refugees from Ukraine after the war. It is also worth removing artificial barriers and simplifying access for Ukrainians to basic services in Sweden, such as opening a bank account, bank ID, etc.
We are not currently planning to move out of the country, but if Sweden continues to pursue such an uncertain policy, we will consider this issue.
Woman, 44 years old
I live in Sweden with two daughters - the adult daughter is 24 years old, the younger daughter is 16 years old. I am currently looking for a job. I am studying language courses from the Folk University, many courses and programs on language learning, and professional courses with knowledge of the language.
There are not enough payments from the Migration Service of Sweden to be able to buy vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, to buy glasses and winter shoes.
For additional help, I visit the Red Cross, volunteer centers 5-6 times.
In my opinion, full integration into society is not possible without a personal number. Everything is connected with computers and mobile phones without which you are a hostage in any situation.
It is impossible to find a job, even the simplest one. There are many projects and organizations that simply do not fulfill their obligations in reality.
Stricter control of EU-funded projects and organizations is needed. It is necessary to provide people with jobs. To activate programs for employment of Ukrainians. Allow personal numbers.
You may send it to us in any language. We will translate it and publish both the original and the translated version.
You can be anonymus when we publish it but you must include your name + phone number when you send us your story.
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